Monday, February 25, 2013

Bandon Surprise

A few weeks ago, I arranged to surprise Mike with a trip to Bandon. Grandma and Grandpa were very gracious about letting us use their house down there (which is so comfortable and relaxing) and all I had to do was ask Mike to take a day off of work. The boys were visiting family this weekend anyhow, it was the weekend after Valentine's Day and the weekend of my 6th sobriety birthday. Plus, we only have about 8 more couple-only weekends before Layla arrives - eeek! Super exciting, but we had to get some special one on one time in (where we could actually sleep in and eat meals at normal hours) before our little one arrives.

We packed up and left early Saturday morning. Mike was driving, so I set up directions on his phone - after awhile, though, the GPS voice became annoying (and the route was questionable), so I told him to go ahead and peek at his destination and he could choose his own route. I think he was pleased to hear that we were finally going to stay in Bandon after all these years of talking about it.

The drive was gorgeous - the sun started peeking out as we drove closer to the Oregon Coast. The weather didn't look promising for the weekend, but we ended up having gorgeous sun ALL day on Saturday!

The relaxing commenced within minutes of arriving...because we didn't sit enough on our five hour drive down there, you know? :)

I think he likes it...

We went out and explored a bit. These photos were taken at Devil's Kitchen State Park...

Mama toting Layla along - 23 weeks pregnant!

Drove into Old Town and visited the candy shop. I don't think Mike was thrilled about this stop until he spotted the huge package of sour belts for an amazing price! His favorite candy (and Matthew's) at a really awesome price? Plus the owner of the store was a sweet old man who was so helpful and offering us samples left and right. How do we say no to that? :)

Saturday morning, we woke up to this view. The ocean is out on the left, so you have a choice as to which view you choose as you lounge in the cozy chairs.

After a yummy homemade breakfast, we headed to the Wild Game Park where we got to play with and pet a baby bobcat! This little girl's name was Naya - she's 9 months old and FULL of energy. She reminded me of a crazy toddler. Mike loved her and went back twice to pet her!

My personal favorite part of the day was witnessing Mike, the goat/sheep whisperer get overwhelmed by the critters. I tried to warn him that feeding them = really muddy shoes and pants, goats jumping all over you and maybe even a head butt! I don't think he believed me until he experienced it for himself. I was really nervous about getting horns to the belly - these guys are really aggressive!

This video makes me laugh every time I watch it! 

After our safari adventure, we did a little more driving around and exploring - stopped into the Cranberry Sweets factory where there are a bazillion samples. I tried everything...even the cheddar cheese fudge. GAG was disgusting. I figured it would be, but also took a chance that my pregnancy taste buds may like it (Rice Krispie treats + pickles, for example, ended up being a tasty treat!) Cheddar cheese fudge? Not so much.

We also drove down to the jetty and spent some time poking around at rocks and enjoying the was beautiful, but COLD and windy down our time outside was limited. Looking forward to returning during the summer sometime when we can enjoy the outdoors a little more.

Had to note the heart shaped rocks for Matthew and Grandma Margaret...

A quick self portrait before we ran back to the car...

The fog horn at the end of the jetty that we can hear from the house...

Back in town, there were new art sculptures that I hadn't seen before. They were made entirely out of beach trash - amazing!

I loved this trip with my sweet husband. The ride back wasn't quite as fun as our time there...but then again, coming home from a great vacation isn't supposed to be the fun part. Looking forward to taking the kiddos back down with us next time!

Monday, February 11, 2013

First family ski trip

What an awesome life we have! Baba is the best...he is so full of energy and adventure and has brought so much joy to our lives. He's wanted to take the boys skiing for a couple of years now, and we were finally able to manage it for the first time yesterday. Andrew was really stuck on wanting to learn to snowboard, but after trying on Baba's boots and board the night before, he realized that maybe skiing would make for an easier start!
Here's a video showing the struggle he could have had if he'd chosen snowboarding instead of skiing! It's not easy maneuvering that huge board, even when NOT on the slippery slopes. :)
So we bundled up on Sunday, packed a picnic lunch and headed up to Mt. Hood's Ski Bowl for an adventure!

We had to wait about three hours before an instructor was available for the boys' private lesson - in the meantime, we got their skis, had lunch, walked into the woods for a snowball fight and stopped for a Rice Krispie treat break. The boys were SO patient with the wait.

I love this photo - Baba asked the boys to come over and listen. They kept chattering and he said, "Shhh - listen!" They were confused until he explained that he wanted them to hear the quiet of the mountain. They weren't impressed. More proof that we're getting old...
I even have a video of this comical moment. Nice try, Baba. They'll get it someday. :)
Snowball fight!
Rice Krispie treats made by Baba late last night, enjoyed by our ski bums while they watched skiers on the slopes waaaaaay up high! (That was before the sun disappeared and it got super foggy!)

Finally, it was lesson time! The boys had a fantastic instructor, who had them skiing for real within an hour! Amazing! Both boys picked it up so quickly - they are so brave to try something new. I loved watching them go from struggling to stay up on even one ski to flying down the hill. Amazing!
Here are some videos...there are many, I know...but I can't choose just one! They're all incredible to this proud mama. :)
First 20 minutes of lessons...
Within an hour of ever being on skis!
And a few from Baba's perspective at the top of the hill:
Here's a video of Andrew coming up the rope tow and Matthew hiking back up the hill with his skis in hand - he was a little intimidated by the rope tow, so Baba and him walked the hill over and over and over and over and over. :)
Proudest dad on the mountain, hands down!
I think they were a little bit exhausted after all of that. What do you think? :)
Can't wait to do it again! Best day EVER! (We have a lot of those around here.)

Monday, February 4, 2013


Pop and Grandma Margaret gifted the boys a HUGE trampoline for Christmas - and Grandpa and Baba set it up this weekend for the kiddos. When the boys got home from school today, they had no idea it was set up and were surprised to see Baba jumping away...giggles ensued, and they made it into the backyard immediately to check out their new toy. :)

Here are some videos and photos so everyone who was involved can enjoy their first moments of fun on the trampoline!

Here's the first few seconds out of the car when they realized Baba was jumping on something massive in the backyard!
The boys first time on their new (and awesome!) toy...
And a couple more...

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Matthew started taking martial arts a few weeks ago. He had to take a long break due to his rough 10 day flu, but turns out Sensei was out for the same illness anyhow so he didn't miss much!

Our boy LOVES this class. We are thrilled with AikidoNW. The instructors here are beyond incredible with the kids. This style of martial arts is also much more peaceful than others we've tried, which makes mom happy. :)

Here's a video of the little man being tossed around. I know I said it was a peaceful form of martial arts - and it generally is. Sensei is demonstrating how to break free from a bully's hold here. Matthew is the bully in this clip, by the way. :) Sensei says, "Grab me, kid!"....

Oh...and an even better video...Matthew does this thing with his feet EVERY single time he's not doing something else. It cracks us up!