Saturday, December 15, 2012


We had a very special evening. After the boys were bathed, teeth brushed and in bed reading - JUST before they were to be tucked in to sleep - Mom found a letter in the kitchen for them. Here's what it read:

Apparently, one of Baba's friends is an elf, and had arranged for a special evening for them. Cozy blankets in hand, sweaters zipped up and hot cocoa in hand - we all piled into a preheated car (thanks for that, Baba!) and took off for our adventure. The boys kept saying, "Where are we going? But it's bedtime? What about the cocoa? Can we drink it? But we already brushed!" It was so, so cute...their confusion and wonder.

Well, we headed out to hunt for Christmas lights. The radio was blasting holiday tunes and we were cozied up together in the car. It was so fun to find our favorite lights, hunting through new neighborhoods for the best display. We ended the evening at a cul-de-sac near our home that always has an incredible display of lights. Nearly every home on this block goes waaaay above and beyond to bring some magic to the season. We got out of the car and walked until our toes froze.
I'll never, ever forget this night.

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