Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Foul Introductions

You've already seen a few of our birds - here are a few more pictures of the little squawkers. I took these last week - I'll have to take more this week to show you how fast they're growing!
Mr. Andrew is wonderful with the critters - he looks out after them, waters them, snuggles them...

He even climbs into the tub to just sit and watch them...

Tweety in Andrew's hands. Tweety is a Bantam chick - she has cute little feathered legs and is SUPER loud when discontent! Andrew originally named her Little Miss Perfect and Matthew renamed her Tweety. Both are very suitable names for this little fuzzy.

Matthew isn't so much into the birds. He's protective of them, but has yet to hold them...he'd rather cruise Amazon for new toys and high top Converse.

Here's Rio (named by Matthew) - pecking away at her chick feed. Rio is a Silver Laced Wyandotte chick. She's going to be a beautiful chicken someday. Rio doesn't love to be held, but will tolerate it. She's the first of our flock to grow her wings - so pretty!

From L to R: Big Mama's head, Rio, Jennifer and Tweety (aka Little Miss Perfect) from behind...

Here's Big Mama on the left and Jennifer on the right. (Tweety in the background.) Big Mama is my favorite chicken - she's content to be held and barely ever squawks. Jennifer is everyone's favorite bird - she is silly, active, friendly - catches flies when we let her outside, climbs into your lap when she's done. She's growing faster than anyone! We're pretty sure she's a Rouen - a close cousin to the Mallard...

Last, but certainly not least, here's Fuzzbutt. Fuzzbutt is an Indian Runner - she stands upright like a bowling pin, doesn't love the water, but will follow Jennifer anywhere (including into the water). This little one didn't seem super healthy when we got her, but she's made a full recovery and is quite the little peeper! If separated from her flock, she'll let you know very persistently!

Fuzzbutt has a fuzzbutt...

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