Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rats in the Curtains

No, not really. But this was in my curtains. Scared the bejeebus out of me when he giggled. While it's quite obvious there's a child in the curtains in this picture, it wasn't quite so obvious when he was standing perfectly still and quiet and I was looking elsewhere for him.

Here's the rat...he wasn't in my curtains, though.

This was my first doula birth baby...I was visiting her on her one week birthday. Such a precious little one.

We have wings! This is Rio - she had a few wing feathers when we got her (itty bitty ones that were barely feathers yet) - and now look! She's turning into a real chicken!

I was reminded tonight by a friend to focus on what's going right in times of stress (vs. focusing on the stressful/difficult things in life) - and while I realize this posting is very random (and perhaps even a little disturbing in places), it's full of things that have made me smile lately. Tell me what's been making YOU smile lately! What are you grateful for?