Monday, February 11, 2013

First family ski trip

What an awesome life we have! Baba is the best...he is so full of energy and adventure and has brought so much joy to our lives. He's wanted to take the boys skiing for a couple of years now, and we were finally able to manage it for the first time yesterday. Andrew was really stuck on wanting to learn to snowboard, but after trying on Baba's boots and board the night before, he realized that maybe skiing would make for an easier start!
Here's a video showing the struggle he could have had if he'd chosen snowboarding instead of skiing! It's not easy maneuvering that huge board, even when NOT on the slippery slopes. :)
So we bundled up on Sunday, packed a picnic lunch and headed up to Mt. Hood's Ski Bowl for an adventure!

We had to wait about three hours before an instructor was available for the boys' private lesson - in the meantime, we got their skis, had lunch, walked into the woods for a snowball fight and stopped for a Rice Krispie treat break. The boys were SO patient with the wait.

I love this photo - Baba asked the boys to come over and listen. They kept chattering and he said, "Shhh - listen!" They were confused until he explained that he wanted them to hear the quiet of the mountain. They weren't impressed. More proof that we're getting old...
I even have a video of this comical moment. Nice try, Baba. They'll get it someday. :)
Snowball fight!
Rice Krispie treats made by Baba late last night, enjoyed by our ski bums while they watched skiers on the slopes waaaaaay up high! (That was before the sun disappeared and it got super foggy!)

Finally, it was lesson time! The boys had a fantastic instructor, who had them skiing for real within an hour! Amazing! Both boys picked it up so quickly - they are so brave to try something new. I loved watching them go from struggling to stay up on even one ski to flying down the hill. Amazing!
Here are some videos...there are many, I know...but I can't choose just one! They're all incredible to this proud mama. :)
First 20 minutes of lessons...
Within an hour of ever being on skis!
And a few from Baba's perspective at the top of the hill:
Here's a video of Andrew coming up the rope tow and Matthew hiking back up the hill with his skis in hand - he was a little intimidated by the rope tow, so Baba and him walked the hill over and over and over and over and over. :)
Proudest dad on the mountain, hands down!
I think they were a little bit exhausted after all of that. What do you think? :)
Can't wait to do it again! Best day EVER! (We have a lot of those around here.)

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