Saturday, August 4, 2012

Island Friday

Even on a really rough day, there are still some moments worthy of capturing and sharing...

Stealth sniper...

I collected seeds from some of the dried pods and hope to have such gorgeous poppies growing in my own yard next year!

A trip down to the docks to find Popeye and feed her (she wasn't there...maybe we'll have better luck today...)

Shrimping off the docks after dinner was so fun!

These two were pros - caught maybe a hundred shrimp (and one crab!) in about an hour...


We stayed until late, late. The boys were zonked and fell asleep in a hurry once we were back home.

This grouchy face was grouchy much of the day...

....or sleeping. But that's okay. He's a little out of sorts in new places, but I have high hopes that today will be a much smoother ride!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you were able to see the bright spots and share them despite yesterday's challenges.

    Love you guys, Bec
